Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day LXVI: Rupersized!

Good. Lord. 

There is a lot to cover when you watch three hours of your favorite television show. So, let's get into it!

8. Laganja Estranga (winner & eliminated)


Woof. This was a rough few episodes for this perpetually high, unquestionably talented queen. The entitlement and self-sabotage very evidently ripped her a new one in both main challenges. During the makeup shoot, her intimidation and lack of personality ate her alive. I didn't mind this terribly--as it gave Adore a chance to blow her out of the water--but it's annoying to see how such a strong performer can be so insecure and underwhelming when it comes to things she's not naturally interested in doing. I think Laganja really missed the boat on what this show could do for her and how much the challenges could foster and cultivate some growth in her as a queen. She was completely affected in her Meet the Queens video, and I don't think that attitude ever subsided. The comedy routine was actually painful to watch, and Michelle was 100% correct in her assessment: there was zero funny. Oddly, I wish Bianca would have worked with Laganja rather than Trinity: maybe we would have seen some goddamn maturity and grace. How fitting, too, that Laganja's inability to adapt or learn from Ru and the other girls, is precisely what sends her packing after lipsyncing to "Stupid Girls"...

7. Ben Delacreme (bottom two & bottom three)

Well, shit. After almost losing Ben in the first part of this week's rupersized extravaganza, my nerves were practically shot. When Ben and Darienne were forced to Lipsync for Their Lives after a horrendous commercial, Ru declared Darienne safe before eventually declaring both queens fit to stay in the competition. One miserable comedy routine later, I was certain that DeLa would be at risk again. Fortunately, she was safe and didn't have to perform under the microscope. Sadly, I think Ben's fall from glory really rocked her confidence. She was visibly defeated through a lot of the comedy episode and spent too much time over-analyzing her work. I am nervous that Ben's inability to rise back to the top of the pack will be indicative of his position in the competition. And that's a real bummer.

6. Courtney Act (bottom four & safe)

As one of my very favorites from the get go, it's hard to see Courtney fall so far down the ranks for me. She's incredibly polished, devastatingly pretty, and painfully talented. But Courtney has been on the downswing since her win in week four. She's been arrogant and condescending as of late, and it's not a great color on her. Joslyn called her out for it in Untucked, and I do not disagree. She's been pompous and rude, and I am none to pleased. She doesn't need to be so over the competition or above it all the time. She's been a force --and is clearly going to be one of the last three standing--but getting to the final stage of the competition doesn't mean a damn thing if your personality can't close the deal. 

5. Joslyn Fox (bottom four & bottom two)

This precious angel of a human being is incredibly lucky that Ben and Darienne did so poorly in their makeup ad. If it had been an individual judging, she would have been fine, but if she and Courtney had been in the bottom two? Oofta. I don't know if we'd still have the good ol' "wonk wonk" still around. There is not enough to say about Joslyn's integrity and spirit. She's a smart queen with a lot of love and adoration for her competitors, but isn't afraid to standout herself. Regrettably, I don't think her style translates to a level that is as elevated as the other competitors left, even Darienne, who I don't find to be particularly impressive in appearance on the runway. I don't think she should have landed in the bottom in the comedy challenge--Ben deserved to be there. That said, she delivered a lipsync that I did NOT see coming. She was so dismissive of Laganja and it gave me exactly what I needed. She's not going to win the title, but Joslyn is a SHOE IN for Miss Congeniality. 

4. Darienne Lake (bottom two & top three)

Darienne is not my favorite queen these days. She's abrasive and morose, teetering on the edge of hateful. Her obvious dislike for DeLa borders on toxic, and I am PRAYING that it's a result of editing, not Darienne being spiteful for no reason. Personal atrocities aside, I think Darienne did a great job in both episodes. She was definitely stronger than Ben in the challenge video (and in the lipsync), and her comedy routine was lovely. I don't have much else to say for Darienne, but I would like to see her return to her normal graces. I miss that funny bitch.

3. Trinity K. Bonet (top four & top three)

Well, my my my. This queen was certainly a surprise this week. Let's start with the comedy challenge. Her look was fan-freaking-tastic, easily one of my favorites on the night. She looked very much the part of an over-zealous entertainer. I loved her flippancy for race and poverty, and her running gag about being read to for food? Hilarious. In reflection, I questioned whether this performance was somehow amplified to be better than it actually was because of how poorly she's done in the past. I just don't think that's the case. She rose to the occasion and delivered a performance that was worthy of Ru's emotional choke-up during the judging. It's always nice to see someone achieve some genuine personal growth, too. Trinity had that in spades. In the makeup challenge, however, I thought she was incredibly over-praised. She very much looked the part of the hooker she was playing, but I thought she was so lackluster in her acting and delivery. And if she hadn't delivered such a strong comedy routine the following episode, I would have continued to assume that Trinity was incapable of humor or personality. It just did not deserve the love the judges were giving it. That said: the black and white runway look? Damn.

2. Adore Delano (winner & safe)

Adore is my favorite queen this season. Everything she does is doused in charm and goofiness; she's the queen that I would want to spend a weekend with because it would be such a party. She consistently shows these cracks of vulnerability that are delivered in a way that feels sincere and true to Adore's nature. They never feel like "pity me" moments or like they're attention seeking. I think she just wants to prove herself to Ru, the judges, and the other queens, and she wants them to understand how talented and well-equipped she is for this competition. She SLAYED the makeup challenge, just destroyed it. She was vapid and funny and delivered the best video performance out of any of the girls. Her runway look was INSANE, too. I felt like her comedy routine was a bit all over the place; her nerves clearly got the best of her. 

1. Bianca Del Rio (top four & winner)

No one came close to touching miss Del Rio this week, at least in the Comedy challenge. Ru hit the nail on the head: "You didn't just kill this challenge. It was mass murder." She has yet to miss a beat. She would have to be in the top for the remainder of competition to match Jinkx's level of consistency, but I can completely see it happen. What I like best about Bianca is her unyielding willingness to support her competitors. She doesn't shy from tough love or playful banter, and I think that's her strongest quality. She knows she has what it takes to win the whole damn thing, and she's wants to do it when every other queen is at the top of their game. And that is so admirable. Clearly the frontrunner at this point, I can't imagine a top three without Bianca. That said, she had no reason to call Laganja out in untucked for the events of four weeks passed. That was underhanded and unnecessary. She could have pulled her aside at any other point, individually, without causing the same intense reaction. Laganja was CLEARLY in a bad headpace, and while I don't think that's why Bianca chose that moment to call her out, it was a jab that didn't need to be there. Still, shine on Bianca, I will be rooting for ya.

Personal Ranking Week VII/VIII

Laganja Estranga
Trinity K. Bonet
Courtney Act
Darienne Lake
Joslyn Fox
Ben DeLaCreme
Bianca Del Rio
Adore Delano

Predicted Order of Elimination

Trinity K. Bonet
Darienne Lake
Joslyn Fox
Ben DeLaCreme
Courtney Act
Adore Delano
Bianca Del Rio

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