Monday, June 30, 2014

Day CXL: Flashback (II)

Remember when I said Flashback Friday was going to be a thing and then I did it that one time and never again? Well, friends, bite your mother-effing tongues because Flashback Friday is BACK!

For today.

And, god, it's Monday. This is so late.

You'll have to forgive me: did you know Las Vegas doesn't grant internet access in their hotel rooms? What gives, Vegas?


So I have been in Vegas for the last four days participating in the American Library Association (ALA) annual event called, wait for it, "The Annual."

Creative, no?

I digress. Last year, ALA took place in Chicago where we were busy hyping up a little bitty series by the name of Monster & Me. You might have heard of it. Target just picked it up to sell nationwide and it won the Mom's Choice Award last year?

Yeah, we're a pretty big deal.

The first book in the monster series is titled Monster Needs a Costume. And while this year has seen the release of Monster Needs His Sleep and will see Monster Needs a Christmas Tree in September, Costume holds a special place in my heart because Halloween is one of my favorite times of year. So, today, as we finished up ALA, I got to thinking about the various promotions we've run with the Monster series. And the first that came to mind was the Costume Contest we had last October.

Wanna see my submission?

That's a pretty damn cute Harry Potter, right?

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