Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day XXXII: NFL National Qualifiers

This afternoon, I took some time off from work to help the WHA speech team at NFL National Qualifiers. I'll be following suit tomorrow. And the next day.

Three days of speech? Fine by me! Plus, there are some great upsides to judging over these three days. 

The Good
I get to hang out with my mumsy, who I do not see very often. It gives me a chance to watch her kids perform and see what she's been working so hard at cultivating within the program. C'mon, it's my mahm! Of course I am happy to get some family time in.

My own hotel room at night? CHECK! There's even a tub! Do you guys know how badly I miss soaking up a bath after winding down the day? I'm thrilled to bits. And there is so much naked time happening in this hotel room. Right now even!

Speech was sort of my every breathing moment in high school. I wasn't coordinated or athletic enough for sports, and I wasn't about to play second fiddle to Mr. Berry's girls in Business Professionals of America. Student Council really wasn't my jam, either, so speech was just sort of there for me. I get watch all that hard work and determination pay off with a bunch of up and coming talent, and that's pretty damn cool. Oh, yeah, and I get paid to do it! 

The Bad
My roommates are enjoying $5 martinis right now and I am suffocatingly jealous.

I don't have any time for blogging! My days are stretched excessively thin, so I can only fit these little bits after rounds of competition. Judges have it worse, too, because there are multiple timelines that require you to be on twice as many times as the kids.

The Ugly
Some of these performances.

But seriously, over the next three days I'll be recording my thoughts in my own little journal that I use to take notes during the competition. They help me parse through who did the best, the worst, and all the in-between. But, because the competitors don't actually see the judges comments at this tournament, I can write whatever I damn well please! And I know you can't wait for tomorrow because I have some rotten things to share.

Till then, speak well!

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